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Leadership South Valley

Leadership South Valley is here

Leadership South Valley is designed to provide business leaders with a deeper understanding of the critical and essential issues affecting communities in Salt Lake County. The program’s mission is to develop and enhance personal and civic leadership and communication, as well as support team cohesion, collaboration, and networking. This once-a-month, 10-month course will meet from 8:30 am to 3 pm at various locations across the South Valley region. Class size is limited to 30 individuals and class members are selected to represent a broad range of occupations, industries, and backgrounds.


As with all worthwhile endeavors, this program requires a strong commitment of time on the part of each participant. Attendance is mandatory for successful completion of the program, as is the following:

  1. Community service project
  2. One of your own city council meetings
  3. One of your own school district meetings
  4. Two South Valley Chamber events

Class Schedule

An orientation will be held in late January and graduation in early November. Regular sessions will be held on the 1st Thursday of each month. February - October (excluding July) from 8:30am to 3:00pm.

(Lunch will be provided)

Application Process

An online application must be submitted by Early January 2024. You will then be contacted for an interview. You must be a member of the chamber to be accepted to the program.

Chamber Member Tuition: $1,295

In Partnership With

University of Utah
Kellie photo

"I have thoroughly enjoyed the South Valley Chamber Leadership Course. The monthly speakers have been incredible, while sharing their vast knowledge and experience in the different important topics. I have learned many valuable skills and insights that I can use in my daily work.  I have also met some wonderful people throughout this course."

Kellie Challburg - Chief of Staff, Draper City


“I am honored to have had the opportunity to be part of this amazing program. I met so many dedicated business leaders in our community. The program has given me a deeper understanding of the critical issues facing businesses and what our role can be, as leaders, in coming up with solutions to help make us all better. Thank you, South Valley Chamber!”

Rani McBride - Director Claims Administrator, WCF

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